Tuesday, January 19, 2021

 01-19-2021.  I survived Covid-19 pneumonia.  I was in St John's hospital for 22 total days.  I was exposed I believe, on 12/4/2020.  My friend, Jackie Pearson, called me to say that the baby momma at the baby shower she hosted tested positive for Covid.  I was experiencing fatigue.  I would sit down and fall asleep.  I fought this until 12/14 and called for an ambulance.  I just was so fatigued I couldn't function.  When they checked my blood oxygen level I believe I was at about 69%.  The EMSA man said he could understand why I was fatigued.  I was oxygen starved.  I got into the ER/ICU and they began to treat me using a CPAP type of oxygen mask.  Dr talked to me about being intubated if needed.  I said if they need to do it to save my life then save my life.  They never needed to put me on a ventilator.  The different cannulas they had to use on me worked to get oxygen into me.  I got a IV injections of dexomethosone steroid.  After reading about side effects, one is trouble sleeping.  That would be me.  The 22 days I was there I only was able to do cat naps.  Sleep an hour at a time.  Between the BP checks every 4 hours, finger sticks for blood sugar checks followed shortly by 1 or 2 injections of insulin (long term and short term insulin).  Or a blood draw or a daily steroid injection.  The food was pretty good and the menu was not too bad, though I was there long enough to eat the same meals multiple times.  The nurses were good.  My favorite was Melinda.  I don't know her name but she was my nurse on 8th floor.  She was so compassionate and would give me a few moments of company to break up the very long days of isolation.  

I was able to go home on 12/25/2020 but that was short lived.  I came back three days later because I couldn't keep my blood oxygen in the 90's.  Got the same dr when I returned to the ER from an ambulance.  He confirmed it was a mistake to send me home.  I needed to have the IV steroids for several more days.  And I got to see a pulmonologist doctor.  I see her (Dr Dolin) at 6 weeks out for followup.  Dr Coggins actually read my hospital information and  texted and called us with information on my care and test results.  That was such a blessing.  

I had great doctors who took time to answer my questions about my illness and treatment.  The last three days of my stay I was without a cannula or oxygen therapy and was able to keep my oxygen level in low 90's range which is what I needed to be able to do to go home.  When discharged on January 6, 2021 I had a oxygen machine at home and was directed by my dr to use it.  Reducing my level of oxygen daily to wean off of it.  Today I am at level 1.5 and oxygen level is 95%.  I have reduced my Predinose pills down to 1/2 for the next couple of days.  Then none.  I have been doing some exercises and Jeff helped me stretch yesterday.  My muscles wasted away while I laid in bed for those 22 days.  I went from looking 66 and in good shape to looking 86 and wasted.  No muscle tone at all.  Pam has been doing daily circulation therapy using a body brush to stimulate the skin.  I can now feel all parts of my feet and legs, shoulders, back and arms.  Such a good feeling to "feel" again.  I can feel my feet when I take a step.  Thats so reassuring that I will fully recover.  I have been testing my oxygen level when just on room air, not the oxygen machine.  I drop a bit to the upper 87-89.  Maybe when the steroids are out of my system maybe it will be better.  I go to the staircase and go up and down one step using railing for stability.  My legs are so weak.  But Alana, my PT, said I will get it all back.  I leaned hard on Jesus while I was in the hospital.  I needed him to give my family peace and comfort.  He was there for me.  I give all praise to God for His great mercy and healing.